Monday, 28 September 2015

Nasa scientists find evidence of flowing water on Mars

Scientists think they can now tie dark streaks seen on the surface of Mars to periodic flows of liquid water.
Data from a Nasa satellite shows the features, which appear on slopes, to be associated with salt deposits.
Crucially, such salts could alter the freezing and vaporisation points of water in Mars's sparse air, keeping it in a fluid state long enough to move.
Lujendra Ojha and colleagues report the findings in the journal Nature Geoscience.
There are implications for the existence of life on the planet today, because any liquid water raises the possibility that microbes could also be present. And for future astronauts on Mars, the identification of water supplies near the surface would make it easier for them to "live off the land".
Researchers have long wondered whether liquid water might occasionally flow across the surface today.

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