C   LANGUAGE


*history of c language
*C language overview
*printf and scanf in c 
*data types in c
*tokens and keywords in c
*constant in c language
*variable in c language
*operators and expressions in c language
*decision control statement in c language
*loop control statements in c language
*case control statements in c language
*type qualifiers in c language
*storage class specifiers in c language
*array in c language
*strings in c language
*pointers in c language
*function in c language
*argument return value in c language
*library functions in c language 
*creating library functions in c 
*command line arguments in c 
*variable length argument in c 
*summary of c functions in c 
*arithmetic functions in c 
*int char validation functions in c 
*buffer manipulation function in c 
*time related functions in c 
*dynamic memory allocation in c 
*type casting functions in c 
*structures in c  
*array of structures in c
*passing struct to function in c
*structure using pointer in c
*structure padding in c
*typedef in c 
*union in c

what is auto variables stored in c language
 what is data type 
 what is c language components

C language components

what is algorithm in c 

introduction of c language 

 what is auto variables stored
what is scope storage allocation 
 what is scope in c language 
what is declaring 
what is register variable. 
what is static variable in c language  
 what is data type in c
what is variables in c 
c language components 
 what is c language components

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