Saturday, 11 July 2015


India’s ” Vajras” turns 30 this year
Named after Mythical thunderbolt weapon of Lord Indra ” Vajra”, Indian air force Mirage-2000s have completed 30 years in Indian air force this year. the first batch of 7 Mirage-2000H (KF102,103,104,106,113 and 114) made the first touchdown on Indian soil at Jamnagar airbase on 26th June 1985.
Start of a Journey
Government of India in 1982 placed orders for 40 Mirage-2000 with the french company Dassault for the supply of 36 Single-seat aircrafts along with 4 trainer variants. India was also the first export customer of the newly developed 4th generation French fighter jet.
While the first squadron was officially converted into the Mirage-2000s in early 1986, most of the pilots came from Mig-21s and Ajeet fighter Squadrons still conversion to the new type was smooth and mirages were more forgiving aircraft for new pilots and IAF pilots quickly put the machine to the test, as per ex Mirage-2000 pilot first year saw insane amount of flying by the squadron, aircraft not only participated in all major Airforce exercises in the year but aircraft was also tested to its limits in its Interception roles since Mirage-2000s were considered only aircraft type capable of taking on modern 4th generation F-16 fighter jets introduced in the region by Rival Pakistani air force .
By 1986, all 40 Mirage-2000s were delivered to India air force but it was also reported by Comptroller and Auditor General of India that due to delays in executing contracts for weapons systems like Matra super 530D BVR missiles and R550 Magic 2 close combat missiles, for first year Mirage-2000s largely remained unarmed and major weapons delivery only started later in 1986.
Operational availability of the aircrafts largely remained on the higher side due to proper supply of spares and superior build quality of the machine and it was reported that aircraft operational availability was close to 80 %. Mirage-2000 also brought in many first for the Indian air force, it was IAF’s first Pure delta-winged aircraft which also introduced the fly-by-wire system in the aircraft. due to high usage of the composite in construction and also due to better workmanship
aircrafts suffered lesser downtime due to airframe related issues.
Mirage-2000s due to its quick-reaction interception capability and excellent climb rate and maneuverability brought in much-needed boost to India’s defenses and was considered highly potent addition to Indian air forces fleet to take on F-16 which had already taken world by storm .
Pakistan ordering additional F-16 was highly anticipated and Orignal Mirage-2000 contract with France had factored in the license to build 110 more Mirage-2000s by HAL in India. Gwalior airbase which housed IAF’s Mirage-2000s already had the base capability to handle 80 Mirage’s, but government and India air force were still in dilemma over purchase of additional Mirage-2000 since it still was an expensive jet to fly and maintain, but there was no doubt on its potential capability to take on F-16s, India almost exercised the option to buy more Mirage-2000s, but then soviets came calling .
In a sudden and dramatical move, experienced test pilots of Indian air force were rushed to Soviet union secretly and IAF pilots were first to lay eyes on secretive 4th generation aircraft which soviets were developing to take on American F-16. Indian pilots were first to fly Mig-29s which were offered to India at throw away price of $16 million per aircraft which was way cheaper then Mirage-2000s and this lead to complete reassessment of Mirage-2000s purchase and India later decided to order Mig-29s instead of Mirage-2000s .
In Action
Mirage-2000s were first used to provide aerial escort to An-32 aircraft over Jaffna in Srilanka and later Mirage-2000s were also used in the show of force over Maldives after a coup was thwarted by the Indian army.
Mirage 2000 was again in thick of action in summer of 1999 when Mirage-2000s were pressed into service to conduct airstrike over Kargil sector against Pakistani Army which had infiltrated into Indian side of LOC and had captured key mountain peaks in the area .
Mirage-2000 showcased why it was premier strike platform aircraft in IAF when it became lead aircraft for operational in such high mountain terrains. Mirage-2000s armed with laser guided bombs destroyed critical enemy positions in Tiger Hill. Israeli provided Litening pod and American supplied Paveway II guidance kit for standard 1000 lb Bomb were not yet fully integrated into the aircraft’s but without much help coming from the US due to sanctions, Indian technicians were able to modify Mirages to carry Litening pod and Precision guided munitions (PGM) in relatively small time frame which changed course of the war and targeting of enemy positions were much more precise and in whole operations in Kargil war , Mirage-2000s flew total 500 sorties out of 1700 total sorties flown by Indian Air force .
While Mig-29 were providing Aerial Escorts to other aircrafts flying in the region, Mirage-2000s emerged clear winner and Hero of Kargil war, which later lead to IAF demanding that newer 126 Mirage-2000 varaint should be ordered which later became MMRCA Competition.
Soon after the war IAF started working on plans to upgrade Mirage-2000 to newest Dash 5 variant which introduced much better avionics and improved radar performance which allowed aircraft better Close and Beyond visual Capabilities by addition of new Mica Air to Air missiles .
Upgradation contract was signed on 2011 after years of negotiation between India and France and later in the same year Two IAF’s Mirage-2000 aircrafts were flown to France. IAF already has received both upgraded aircrafts earlier this year and HAL upgraded Two Mirages will also be handed over to IAF by the end of 2015.
Upgrades will bring in the much-needed influx of technology to keep aircraft relevant for next two decades. Mirages are upgraded to Dash 5 Mk2 Variant which brings in new capabilities and includes longer-range detection and weapon firing against multiple targets and an extended operating envelope that will allow a border-protection mission. The multitrack RDY-3 radar equipment on the Indian Mirage is the same generation the French air force uses on the Mirage 2000D, with range increased to 50 nm from the existing RDM radar’s 40 nm.
While the upgrade does not involve fitting a new engine but In place of the old analogue instruments in the cockpit, the pilots will now have an “all-glass cockpit”, with video displays of flight parameters and weapons aiming and operation. They will also have helmet-mounted sights, which allow pilots to aim weapons at targets merely by looking at them.
Dassault and Thales provided upgrade kits to HAL will allow further upgrades to Mirage-2000s in HAL Facility which will be carried out over next 5-7 years, with this upgrades IAF plans to keep Mirages in operational fleet for next 15-20 years to come

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