Friday, 10 January 2014


How to Get More Facebook Likes for Your Website and Fan Page

Facebook Likes are a powerful way to get website visitors to socially engage with your brand. There are two types of likes you can solicit with Facebook’s developer code – likes for website pages and likes for your fan page. The best part is users can like both of these directly on your website without having to go anywhere else!

Using the Facebook Javascript SDK

Some features for the Facebook Like options are only available if you use the XFBML code for the buttons. In order to use XFBML, you must implement Facebook’s JavaScript SDK onto your website. It’s not just an additional line of code, however. You have to have an Application ID to use the JavaScript SDK.

Creating a Facebook Application for Your Website

So let’s look at creating an application on Facebook – it’s easier than you think!
Step 1: Create an App
To create an application for your website, you will want to start on the Create an App page and enter your site’s name, URL, and language.

Facebook Developer - Create an App

Click on the Create an App button to continue, and enter the captcha.
Step 2. Copy Your Application Data
On the following screen, you will get your App ID and Secret Key. Be sure to keep this handy as you will need it to implement some of the following Facebook Like code.

Facebook Developer Application Settings
You can also get it by visiting your Applications Dashboard at a later date.

Installing the JavaScript SDK on Your Website


Next, you will want to install the JavaScript SDK on your website using the code on the JavaScript SDK page.
Facebook Developer - JavaScript SDK Loading Code

There are two versions of the code as shown above – I personally go with the code under Loading the SDK Asynchronously as this option will make sure that, should the Facebook code not be responding, it will not hinder other objects from loading on your page, leading to faster page load times.
You will want to replace the text YOUR APP ID in either version with the App ID you generated earlier. Then place this code between your website’s <HEAD> </HEAD> tags. Depending on your CMS, you may need to place this in your header.php file or similar header template file.
Now that we have the JavaScript SDK covered, let’s move onto Facebook Like buttons.

Installing Facebook Like for Your Website Content

The general consensus is that Facebook Likes may influence search rankings. Whether it is direct, or just one among many other social indicators of good content is still debatable, but search engines nonetheless are taking cues from social signals. Hence, it can’t hurt to increase the likes of your website and its content.

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