Sunday, 19 January 2014

introduction of c language

 introduction of c language

Introuduction to C language:  ‘C’  is a  neither High level language nor a low level (machine  ) language. It is a middle level language .It means ‘C’   has the the both the  features  like  highlevel and low level  .so ‘C’   has populured  because of this feature. So using ‘C’   we can develop system side programs and general applications , ‘C’   was developed by Dennis Ritchie and  ken Thommpson  in 1970’s  at Bell Labs.

                   ‘C’   was developed best both features  of BPCL (Basic combined programming Language ) and ‘B’ language. C is a general purpose and structured programming language.  ‘C’   allows users to create their own functions and we can use that functions whenever we need. ‘C’   implemented many Library functions called header files. Unix was written in ‘C’ language . intially it was developed to develop unix operating system later it was populared professional programming language.later it was recongnised by ANSI(American national standard institute)
Useing ‘C’ language we can develop operating systems ,device drivers, TSR(Terminate- and Stay-Resident programs) , compilers ,databases.
                   While writing a program we have to keep in mind these things .
‘C’ c is a case sensitive language so all statements must be written generally in lower case.
Evey statement is terminated by semicolon

C progam starts with main() function  after main function it opens  curly  braces and after some statements means after ending the program it has to close the brace. The statements within the curly braces is called compund statement.

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